Monday, September 28, 2015

Ensure That Your First Steps in SEO Are Optimal

Define Your Goal – Determine what you want an SEO expert in Los Angeles to do for you: Should it focus on generating new traffic, increasing current sales, or just engaging with your current customers? While it is possible for SEO companies to do all of these things at once, a more focused campaign is easier to monitor, thus reducing room for error.

Set the Finish Line – Give yourself a specific figure or goal that you want to achieve by the end of the campaign. For example, you want to increase new traffic by at least 18% within the next two months. Make sure that you have enough data to support your goal and show that it is possible. Otherwise, you’re just dreaming with eyes wide open. 

Monday, September 21, 2015

Top SEO Mistakes That Can Plague Marketing Efforts

SEO may seem easy, but there are a lot of mistakes that you can make that can ruin your efforts. Here are a few examples.

Humdrum Content. If you still keep on posting unoriginal and stale information that people already know about, then you are getting absolutely nowhere. Content needs to be new, fresh, and engaging. All content that you post or upload should hold significant value to your targeted audience; otherwise, it will be regarded as spam by Google.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

SEO in Los Angeles: Algorithm Factors that Influence Online Visibility

The quality of links is the highest ranking factor in Google’s core search algorithm, according to a recent survey by marketing software firm Moz. In fact, the domain-level link features, which is the total number of incoming links to a domain, are considered to be the biggest contributing factor to a website’s online visibility. Moz gathered the opinions of more than 150 top digital markets on which elements have the most impact on a website’s status in page results and ranked them on a scale of 1 (as the least) to 10 (as the highest). Among over 90 areas, the domain-level link features were deemed to have the highest effect with an 8.22 rating, while page-level social metrics had the least significance with a 3.98 rating.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Metadata: Still Indispensable to Effective SEO Marketing Campaigns

If you work with experienced SEO practitioners from Miami and beyond, you’re likely to hear them using online marketing jargons—technical terms like metadata. It’s one you’ll hear more often. What is it and its significance to SEO marketing as a whole? Metadata is vital enough that E-commerce practitioners recognize metadata’s role in driving SEO forward. The absence of metadata may get companies to lose opportunities to find its place in search engine results pages, which means potential customers won’t find them easily on the web during their conventional searches.