Thursday, July 23, 2015

Issues that Can Hurt Your SEO Efforts

Companies rely on their websites to help bring attention to the goods and services they provide, which is why they invest in first-rate SEO services. If business owners are not careful or attentive to the following errors or issues, however, their website’s search engine ranking could suffer.

Too Many Ads

Yes, you can have too many ads on your site, and you could be penalized for it. That is because instead of giving your users a good experience, you are simply bombarding them with promotional content. The best thing to do is to use good judgement on the placement of ads, and make sure they are not the main focus of your site.

Broken Links or 404 Messages

It's easy to go about your day and not really notice if your pages are all intact, but as a business that aims utmost online presence, you should be aware of any pages that are not displaying properly. These types of errors also make Google and other search engines believe that your site might not be of quality. Regularly checking webmaster tools for crawler issues and addressing them is the best way to keep your webpage from getting to that point—or you can just hire an SEO professional to monitor and maintain your website for you.

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